System Three
"In its ability to resolve sonic detail, it is uncanny and unexcelled and will provide as full an accounting of a recording as one is likely to experience."
"Conventional speakers tend to suggest a location for a given sound, the Huffs assign one. The system plants and distributes sounds around the listening space with unnerving precision." - Nov.-Dec. '99 issue, The Perfect Vision Magazine, pages 93-96.
A True Breakthrough
In Speaker Design
Revolutionary new speakers to please the ears and eyes of the most discriminating listeners
Breathtaking realism,
openness, detail, clarity
Incomparable holographic imaging.
True 360 degree dispersion produces identical frequency response everywhere in the room - no location limited sweet spot whatsoever.
Tasteful, elegant,
unobtrusive, yet powerful
Aesthetically pleasing shape enhances performance.
Less placement critical, more room independent - regardless of room size, shape, or acoustics.
Ideal for both serious listening and home theater.
The ultimate answer to the monopole/dipole/bipole question.
The satellite uses the German Physiks DDD bending wave converter, together with our proprietary HLC filter networks.
It doesn't look like a box,
it doesn't sound like a box
Technical Specs:
- Satellites can be mounted on stands, or subs.
- Each sub has a pair of compound loaded 12" long throw (15 mm) proprietary drivers for clean, tight bass with extended low frequency response (in-room to 14 hz), even at high listening levels necessary for home theater.
- Choice of two crossovers:
Traditional passive network
Matching custom audiophile 24 dB Linkwitz-Riley line level (electronic) sub crossover, for audiophiles who want the very best (biamplification required for subwoofers.)
- Supplied with removable grilles (not shown)
- Recommended power: 50 - 200 watts, depending on listening levels
- Available in a variety of finishes and veneers, and (removable) grille colors.
- Satellites:
- 2 Sub models:
- Tall subs 16" w x 36" h.
- Med. subs 18" w x 27" h.