We recommend separate subwoofers with all our satellites (except the Huff Eight). The Huff System subs require our active crossover and a power amplifier. It is known that a well designed active crossover will always sound better than passive (speaker level) crossovers, for many reasons. The amplifier power required and other demands on both the satellites and satellite amplifiers are greatly reduced, so both the amplifiers and speakers will outperform ones in systems that are not biamped. The result is better sound and greater flexibility. Our crossovers are extremely transparent custom designed steep slope (24 dB), with variable level so precise subwoofer matching can be obtained. However, in response to customer demand, we have added a passive crossover so customers can power the Sub Ones with The System Three Omnis traditionally, from one power amplifier if they choose, instead of biamplification.
subs should always be used in pairs if possible,
for many reasons. There is usually abundant stereo
information in the bass, due to standing wave
acoustics in the original recording. Acoustic
summing always sounds better and more true than
electrical summing with a mono sub, which is
unnatural. Subs in two separate locations help
spread out standing waves in your room, providing
clearer bass.
ports. We never use ported cabinets in any of our
designs. The apparent gain in bass volume at the
resonant frequency of the inside box "echo chamber"
is high in distortion, and this is anathema to good
quality sound to anyone who thinks about it. Ports
are more suited to P.A. speakers.
The use
of separate subs, all sealed cabinets, and careful
design allows better, more accurate music
reproduction at all frequencies, whether you desire
high levels of bass or not. However, in the case of
the Huff Eights, or for chamber music, you may not
need the subs.