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We have placed all of our veneer sample pictures on this page so that you may compare and contrast them. Unless you have a fast Internet connection, it may take a minute for the entire page to load. Each of the links to the right will not work until its corresponding picture has downloaded. Thank you for your patience.

Note that our veneers are a real, natural product. They vary from tree to tree and from season to season. Our samples and photos serve as typical examples, but the finished product will vary, which is what makes your speakers unique.

AA+ category means that sometimes these woods are hard to get, and the appearance between samples may vary more than with other woods. AAA grade veneer is the most costly. See price list page for details on your chosen model.

Light Tones Quality
Birch, Karelian Burl AA
Maple, curly A
Maple, Quilted AA +
Satinwood A
Sycamore, English AA
Medium Tones Quality
Andiroba, Bee’s Wing A
Bubinga A
Bubinga, Pomele AA
Cherry, Figured A
Koa, Curly AA +
Mahogany, Figured A
Mahogany, Plum Pudding AA
Makore, Fiddleback A
Oak B
Padauk A
Redwood, Burl AA +
Rosewood, Brazilian AA +
Rosewood, East Indian AA +
Rosewood, Santo Domingo AA
Sapele, Pomele (Quilted) AA
Sapele, Quartered A
Dark Tones Quality
Amboyna Burl AAA
Ebony AA +
Ebony, Quartered AAA
Walnut B
Walnut, Figured A
Wenge A

Amboyna Burl “AAA”
Amboyna Burl Dark “AAA”
Andiroba, Bees Wing “A”
Birch, Karelian Burl “AA”
Bubinga, Pomele “AA”
Bubinga, quarter cut “A”
Cherry, figured “A”
English Sycamore “AA”
Koa curly “AA”+
Mahogany Figured sample #2 “A”
Mahogany plum pudding “AA”
Mahogany Figured sample 1 “A”
Mahogany plum pudding #2 “AA”
Makore, fiddleback “A”
Maple, quilted sample 1 “AA”+
Rosewood, Santo Domingo “AA”
Padauk “A”
Redwood Burl “AA”+
Sapele, Pomela Quilted “AA”
Sapele, qtr cut “A”
Wedge “A”

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